Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Anmol Baby Hybrid Wrap and Soul Slings Full Buckle (Standard) Review

I learned about baby wearing when my lactation consultant hosted a meet with Rashmee, a baby wearing educator and Founder of Anmol Baby Carriers. There, she deftly wielded a long, soft navy blue hybrid wrap, and prompted put a 3-month-old boy to sleep. He was lulled in barely 5 minutes. Needless to say, we bought that blue hybrid wrap.

My daughter was born exactly 2 weeks later.

My husband and I wore her since she was less than a month old. She loved it. She calmed down instantly, and always seemed cosy. The wrap's litmus test came last October in Diwali when our street could definitely be heard from the moon. She was not yet 2 months old.

She was extremely unsettled that evening but here she is, 5 minutes after being worn: 
Grumpy, but quiet.

As she became more active, and started walking before her 10th month birthday, we had to start looking for a baby-wearing alternative. The wrap is great but it doesn't help in easy transfers of a sleeping baby (at least in the only style we know to wear her).

By her first birthday, we were sure we needed to find a baby carrier than was Indian, ergonomic, and good looking. Both of us are averse to the idea of a pram or stroller, so a carrier was the way to go for us.

My research on the subject concluded that I needed a Soul Slings's product in my life. And as luck would have it, I won a Full Buckle Standard size carrier by the brand in a beautiful maroon (they call it Lacre) color through my page on Instagram, @ghiasireads.

Here's us taking it out for a spin on our recent getaway to the mountains:

She clearly loves a good cuddle with mommy. The carrier is easy on the shoulders and back, I wouldn't complain about any pains. I later wore her on a sunny afternoon, and I could secure the flap in place to protect her from the sun and help her nap. 

I love both our carriers. They are extremely useful and can be folded to fit in a handbag! I hope we never have to use a stroller for our babe because smelling her hair and stealing kisses on her forehead are so much better! My only piece of strong advice is to make sure that the baby is always ergonomically carried with her lower half taking an 'M' shape. Carriers that make your kid's legs dangle are extremely dangerous for her hips!

Have you tried a baby carrier yet? 

Follow my journey on reading for myself and my daughter @ghiasireads on Facebook and Instagram

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