Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Day 16: The leap of faith

Siblings are blessings. God was very happy with the way you were leading your life—or lead your past life—and decided to give you more happiness. That’s how siblings came to be.

I was Skyping with my brother from Kuwait today when all of a sudden he stopped talking and squinted at his screen. Why do you look so…brown!? Don’t you use sunscreen? You should use some of that. Are those dark circles? Why do you look so tired? Your eyes look puffy.

Ah, sibling joy.

I was itching to say maybe it’s just your stupid webcam. But instead, I asked him to send a few products my face could really use; and he happily obliged. My ability to remain unfazed and undeterred through most situations is credited to growing up with two older boys. One taught me how to climb down stairs two at a time and the other, to appreciate the finer things of life (read: his wicked sense of humour.) Also, my mother doesn’t miss an opportunity to remind me, they are excellent cooks.

Today, I called dibs on this super comfy chair in office whose (now previous) owner recently quit. It’s one of those cushioned ones that tilts all the way back. Needless to say, it was a fruitful day at work.

This evening I decided to graduate from vegetables to chicken. After I’d Googled at least three different recipes to marinate chicken, I realised all of them were pretty much the same. So, to be on the safe side, I tried a combination of all three and this is what chicken-under-process looks like:

Also what anticipation looks like
Though I had something leafy for dinner, there’s going to be some serious meat in the house tomorrow. I’ve tucked the chicken in a blanket of curd and spices so it has one whole night to work its magic! I’ll decide what exactly I want to do with it tomorrow. Until then, fingers/toes/eyes crossed.

So what I’m really trying to say is:

1) Those people you love to bits? Keep them very close.

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